The different colors represent different aspects of the particular website...and of course the branches are based on algorithm information. I won't even pretend to understand that part!
The top example is this blog and the one below is my very favorite web page! The basic difference in color has to do with one having pictures and the other having none! if you enter the same address more than once, you will get a different tree, but you notice similar parts (the clumps!). and it is very interesting to watch the tree "grow!"
My other blog looks like this .
Found this at Miss Rumphius can see what that blog looks too!
P.S. These are screen shots...the only way I could figure out how to show them to you. You can also go to Flickr and use websitesasgraphs as the search term. Mine will be there...soon!
My other blog looks like this .
Found this at Miss Rumphius can see what that blog looks too!
P.S. These are screen shots...the only way I could figure out how to show them to you. You can also go to Flickr and use websitesasgraphs as the search term. Mine will be there...soon!