Thursday, June 11, 2009

TASLA 2nd Morning Session

Reminder: live blogging = typos!  more links to come

k12 Databases program review --
 Marti Rossi, Region 20
all the wonderful online training materials including videos that can be embed on your own pages
survey results were positive regarding the successful use of the materials...opportunity to have things they could not otherwise have.  here is the link to all the materials regarding this resource
the graphs of usage will be added to the tasla wiki so they can be used in resource discussions.

TEA Report (no link available on wiki at this time)
Anita Givens, Karen Kahn 
good budget session for the agency at this point; however next go round may be different.
technology allotment was funded
k12 databases continuation of funding
TxVirtual School Network   20 million for 2 years
professional development dollars

HB 3:
changes to high school graduation plans
recommended/distinguished plan  4X4 is still there...6 electives, 5 electives of r distinguished
fine arts at middle school has been added as requirement
career/tech courses....what courses could count for 4th yr. math and science
opportunities for librarians to assist middle schoolers make decsions on what to take in high school based on future plans...

HB120, 136, 3643 all talk about prek education and full-day prek classes

must pass 5th, 8th grade TAKs to be promoted, can be retained at parent request

Funding  HB 3646...
added are these parts:
SB 197 personal financial literacy responsibility course for students...banking!
SB 199 provide training to teachers on financial literacy so they can work with students

SB175 top ten percent change for UT

lots of changes in health curriculum...impact on library resources?

textbooks, e-textbooks, instructional materials, tech equip
use textbook money to select electronic materials and equipment to use
possibly will be vetoed

HB 3646 
affects Virtual school network
funding for online courses will be the state's responsibility instead of students
count for ADA even if at home...pays district that proves course and district that must provide equipment to have courses...helps with 4X4 in small districts

HB4294 computer lending can provide computers for home
also having access until 7:00 3 nights a week!!  impact on thinking about this

holding students responsible for electronic materials/equipment just like print textbooks

new curriculum website
several empty spots for positions...especially in math
science TEKs PD being set up
Tech Apps writing team to be set up 

new tech apps will start being reviewed in the fall...this IS something librarians should be involved with

Federal Update
58 million from stimulus..addition to what state normally gets
Target Tech in Texas (T3)....21st century classroom grants
collaboration, one ELA target should be part of application
target focus area FOR libraries...learner-centered technology and info access (Tx School Library Standard III) for info:

Other Funds for Technology
NCLB website is good source

performance measures can be found on OMB website
percentage of school personnel who meet their state technology standards..librarians are a part of that count (librarians SHOULD be filling out star charts on themselves?)
percentage of students who meet state technology standards by end of 8th grade.

end of this is break time...more networking!

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