Monday, January 8, 2007

004.678 Social Networking

The PEW Internet Project data is out about the effect of social networking on teens, and especially on girls. If you think that online chatting, emailing, blogging, and sites like MySpace and Facebook are not prominent methods of communication among the young adults today, then let this report help to change your view.

From the report:
55% of online teens use social networks.
55% have created online profiles.
48% of teens visit social networking websites daily or more often. 22% visit several times a day!
70% of older girls (15-17 yrs. old) have used an online social network compared with 54% of older boys.
85% of teens who have created an online profile use MySpace to do.

The Pew Internet Project is a non-partisan, non-profit research center that examines the social impact of the Internet. It is part of the Pew Research Center and is funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Learn more here.

Are we doing our kids a favor when we continue to ignore the impact of these communication tools on their E-V-E-R-Y D-A-Y lives? Should we continue to hide our collective heads in the sand thinking that these "fads" will go away instead of teaching our kids to use them responsibly and safely? This report (and others just like it) should help us make the right choice.

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