Wednesday, April 11, 2007

371.33 Library 2.0 Instruction

Can you say information overload? a good way!

I am attending the Library Instruction 2.0 Free Online tools for Teaching With Technology preconference at TLA currently. Michelle Boule has taken us thru a great outline of the many tools available to all of us as individuals, but more importantly as teachers. She has shown so many ways to use blogs, wikis, RSS, etc., etc! good examples of use and great analogies to try and explain what this things are!

Michelle ( and her presentation partner Gary Wan who speaks in the afternoon) used a wiki for their presentation. Michelle showed us the tag cloud that she created for the vocabulary she would be discussing.

One of the most interesting and new things to me was all of her discussion about MUVEs and MMORPGs you know what these are? Have you read or seen anything about 2nd Life?

P2P...peer to peer...sharing files from one computer to another. The students do this all the time. There are networks for this. Good discussions for copyright, etc. ...all the ethics that are involved. She has done a good job of discussing the pitfalls of all this technology as well as the good!

We are getting ready for lunch and I will try to add some more hot ideas from this presentation during our break. So stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I am glad to know that you are working on our behalf. Keep your nose to the grindstone!

Jane said...

Thanks for blogging the session. It was nice to chat with you and I hope the information proves useful in the future... when you can get those tubes unblocked!

VWB said...

Michelle, you be happy to know that I emailed the tech dept. and asked that your wiki be opened and a district librarian (who sadly could not come to TLA) reported that all seemed ok this afternoon!